I’m excited to announce that San Diego Kids First is partnering with local schools to provide targeted services within the community! We greatly enjoy offering these services to school administration, staff, students, and families and welcome you to join us in our mission to maximize the developmental, social, emotional, behavioral, and academic potential of children and families.

Our services include: Case Consultation and Review, Class Restructuring and Strategies, Behavior Interventions/ Coaching, Parent Consultation, 1:1 Teacher Support, Classroom/ School Observations, Report Generations, Developmental Evaluations, School Readiness, Inclusion Support, Social Emotional Learning, Inclusion Staff Training, Didactic Presentations
Please view the descriptions below for a detailed outline of each service!
Services Offered
– Case Consultation and Review:
Create consultation teams that will review individual students and their individual needs for success.
– Class Restructuring and Strategies:
As a team, our experts will consult with your experts to advise and implement strategies for the creation and implementation of successful routines. This is great for teachers and classrooms that need guidance in establishing or resetting an inclusive classroom culture and dynamic.
– Behavior Interventions/Coaching:
If you have a child that has difficulty regulating emotions, has frequent tantrums, trouble with authority, in school, at home, with siblings, and you need help learning new parenting strategies to change these behaviors, please call us for an assessment. These sessions are scheduled with one of our experts to develop specific tools and strategies designed for the individual child and family.
– Parent Consultation:
Based on expressed community needs, we have designed and implemented parent workshops and individual parent coaching sessions for your specific concerns. These sessions are scheduled with one of our experts to develop specific tools and strategies designed for the parent and family.
– 1:1 Teacher Support:
This service includes social skills training, executive functioning skills, and academic planning for children with developmental disorders such as ASD and ADHD. Our clinicians will identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses and utilize them to create a school-readiness routine!
–Classroom/School Observations:
We conduct classroom observations to develop an in-depth targeted behavior intervention plan for your little one! This will include organizational skills, classroom behavior, IEP recommendations, and educational tips/tools. We can also work directly with school directors and administrators on how to work with children who have tricky behavior..
–Report Generations:
After completing an observation, 1:1 meeting, evaluation, screening or consultation our team can supply a written response on the next steps or support information for the least restrictive environment.
–Developmental Evaluations:
Social and interpersonal functioning, Communication skills, Adaptive functioning Behavior, Play-skills, Attention/impulsivity, Mood/anxiety
School Readiness: This service includes social skills training, executive functioning skills, and academic planning for children with developmental disorders such as ASD and ADHD. Our clinicians will identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses and utilize them to create a school-readiness routine!
–Inclusion Support:
The goal of this service is to provide what is best for an individual student. But what is “best” is not always obvious and not always agreed upon by all of the parties involved in crafting the plan. As far as possible, we take a collaborative approach with teachers, schools, and districts, but our ultimate allegiance is to the child and to the key needs that parents may observe for their children, even when other stakeholders do not.
–Social Emotional Learning:
Social Emotional Learning is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success. People with strong social-emotional skills are better able to cope with everyday challenges and benefit academically, professionally, and socially. There are 5 areas we can address in SEL; self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. In our sessions we take an individualized, developmental approach, working on the specific areas and skills your child needs for their social-emotional growth and development.
–Inclusion Staff Training:
We recommend hosting one all-staff training to review broad concepts and an outline for success. We accept up to 3,000 people in one teacher training followed by individual consultations to review case-by-case applications.
–Didactic Presentations:
Specialized presentations to address the topics and needs of your center and experts.
We are thrilled to be adding to our scope of services! If you have any questions or would like to see these services implemented at your child’s school, please email or call our office at contact@sdkidsfirst.com / (858) 692-4187 and we will be happy to help you!