At San Diego Kids First, we recognize the value of a tailored comprehensive assessment that fits the unique needs of your child/ teen.
We seek to answer each referred client’s developmental concerns by providing detailed and impactful recommendations for your family. Throughout this process, we are mindful of the time-sensitive nature of an assessment and understand the desire to move through each step quickly and efficiently. That’s why we have designed a tailored and targeted test battery for those wishing to ONLY rule in or out the presence of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
With early identification of an ADHD diagnosis, we can quickly design and implement interventions that profoundly impact the outcome of a child’s developmental trajectory. We put a lot of emphasis on making this diagnostic determination quickly, efficiently, and accurately to expedite the process of getting your children and teens the services they need.
We are pleased to offer this
Targeted Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder Evaluation
to children
Years who:
- Have no significant academic and/or cognitive concerns
- Have no concerns they would like assessed outside of ADHD (such as ASD, or a learning disability/disorder).
- Are comfortable with results being focused exclusively on whether or not their child meets diagnostic criteria for ADHD.
This tailored assessment is of great clinical value as we eliminate extraneous testing to save time and resources for your family. Due to the condensed test battery, we are able to offer these evaluations to families sooner than our comprehensive developmental and psychoeducational evaluations.
We are so excited to be able to provide this service for you! Please contact Jenaya, our Office Manager if you would like further information, as she would be pleased to help you determine if this targeted ADHD evaluation is the right fit for your child or teen. You can reach her at / (858) 692-4187 and she will be happy to help you!