We serve children of all ages!
Our services include: Social/Emotional Learning, Study/ Organizational Skills Training, Educational Therapy, Dyslexia Screening, Multidisciplinary Evaluations, IEP/504 Services, Classroom observations, and Social Pairings
Please view the descriptions below for a detailed outline of each service!
Social/Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning is the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success. People with strong social-emotional skills are better able to cope with everyday challenges and benefit academically, professionally, and socially.There are 5 areas we can address in SEL; self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. In our sessions we take an individualized, developmental approach, working on the specific areas and skills your child needs for their social-emotional growth and development.
Study/ Organizational Skills Training
Elementary, middle, and high school children and their families may participate in individually tailored sessions with one of our experts to improve academic and organizational skills. Areas of focus include homework/task completion, study skills and strategies, problem solving, decision making, academic planning, goal setting, improving peer relations, improving frustration tolerance, and developing healthy self-confidence and self-esteem. Appointments for these services are available in-home to maximize your child/teen’s progress.
Educational Therapy
Although everyone learns differently, it is estimated that millions of children and adults with average to superior intelligence are experiencing academic difficulties. Educational therapy can help these individuals progress and fulfill their learning potential. Educational therapy is personalized, remedial instruction for individuals experiencing learning differences and disabilities, including but not limited to, dyslexia, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, executive function deficit, language, auditory and visual processing deficit. The primary goal of educational therapy is to foster self-confident, independent learners who understand their learning profiles and can advocate for themselves.
Dyslexia Screening
This screening measure is administered only once and is designed to identify students from Pre-K to College who may be at risk for developmental dyslexia. These results allow clinicians to decide whether the risk of dyslexia or reading disability is high enough to warrant further assessment.
Multidisciplinary Evaluations
Our formal evaluations are tailored to suit the needs of each client. We aim to be comprehensive, while eliminating extraneous tests that would not prove useful for diagnostic clarity. The nature and content of the evaluation varies based on the question/concern and age of the client. Evaluations may include: interviews, standardized tests, questionnaires, behavioral observations, feedback sessions and written reports. All Evaluations result in an Action Plan, which is a set of specific and concrete recommendations.
IEP/504 Services
We act as advocates and technical experts in supporting our clients to obtain the most effective IEP/504 plans for their children. The goal of IEP/504 plans is to provide what is best for an individual student. But what is “best” is not always obvious and not always agreed upon by all of the parties involved in crafting the plan. Of course, parents have unique windows on their own children. As far as possible, we take a collaborative approach with teachers, schools and districts, but our ultimate allegiance is to the child and to the key needs that parents may observe for their children, even when other stakeholders do not.
Classroom observations
We conduct classroom observations to develop an in-depth targeted behavior intervention plan for your little one! This will include organizational skills, classroom behavior, IEP recommendations, and educational tips/tools. We can also work directly with school directors and administrators on how to work with children who have tricky behavior.
Social pairings
In order to accommodate children who may not feel ready for larger social skills groups, we’ve decided to create a more in-depth, individualized, goal-focused session between two peers. First, we form our social pairings by conducting a brief intake with caregivers to discuss their child’s strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Then, we will individually select another peer enrolled in the program who best matches your child’s needs. The overall goal is to form a pairing between two peers who will complement and support each other’s social abilities.
We are thrilled to be able to provide these services for you! If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment please email or call our Office Manager, Jenaya at contact@sdkidsfirst.com (858) 692-4187 and she will be happy to help you!