At San Diego Kids First, we are committed to supporting every child’s unique developmental journey. By introducing occupational therapy services, we aim to be as helpful as possible to parents and caregivers by providing the resources and support needed to ensure the best outcomes for your children.

We are excited to announce that we are now scheduling appointments for the first week of August! Please note that after-school slots will be limited, so we encourage you to book early to secure a convenient time for your child.


Meet our occupational therapist, Heidi Joachims, OTD!


Heidi is a board-certified Doctor of Occupational Therapy. She has worked with diverse populations but really flourishes when working with children. Heidi believes her purpose is to instill confidence and hope in the children and parents she works with through collaboratively identifying how to best improve functioning and independence.

Heidi completed her level I doctoral residency at Del Mar School District. She worked with children of diverse abilities, specializing in fine motor skills, handwriting, sensory processing and integration, social and peer interaction skills, and emotional regulation.

She completed her level II doctoral residency at Urban Street Angels, a residential transitional housing facility, where she worked with adults diagnosed with serious mental illnesses. Her areas of focus included teaching healthy coping skills, leading crisis planning, running self-care groups, teaching mindfulness, and educating staff and clients on the importance of self-regulation.

Heidi’s doctoral capstone project involved developing a sensory-based regulation curriculum for various populations, including traditional elementary schools, schools for adults with intellectual disabilities, universities, and the general population.

Heidi utilizes play-based therapy, a powerful tool that allows her to tap into children’s worlds and understand their unique needs.

Play is a natural way for children to interact, and through this model, she helps children work on the skills they need to grow, such as:

Daily Self-Care Skills
Visual Motor Integration
Visual Perceptual Skills
Social & Peer Interaction Skills
Self-Regulation & Attention
Sensory Processing
Strength & Coordination
Motor Planning


Why Occupational Therapy?

The purpose of occupational therapy is to help children succeed in their daily activities or “occupations.” The word occupation describes the everyday things we do. For children, their main occupations include play, discovery, and skill development. Some of these crucial skills include fine motor development, crawling and walking, reading and writing, formulating friendships and social skills, developing their sensory processing ability, and learning balance and coordination.


When to Seek Help: Signs and Symptoms

Recognizing when your child might benefit from OT can be challenging. Here are some signs that it might be time to seek professional intervention:

Fine Motor Skill Difficulties: Trouble with tasks such as holding a pencil, using scissors, or buttoning clothes.

Gross Motor Skill Challenges: Difficulty crawling, walking, running, or jumping.

Balance and Coordination Problems: Poor postural control, such as struggling to sit upright at a table, little body awareness, low endurance, and difficulty navigating the playground.

Sensory Processing Issues: Having strong reactions or little to no reaction to sensory stimuli (e.g., light, sound, touch).

Hand-Eye Coordination Problems: Difficulty with tasks like catching a ball or copying from a board.

Visual Perceptual Difficulties: Trouble locating objects, copying shapes or letters, recognizing different letters and shapes, and inability to follow directions while walking or in the car.

Behavioral Concerns: Frustration or meltdowns during routine activities, difficulty following instructions.

Daily Living Skills: Difficulty with self-care tasks such as dressing, feeding, or personal hygiene.


Common Complaints from Parents and Teachers

Parents and teachers often notice signs that a child may benefit from OT. Some common observations include:

Uncoordinated and has frequent accidents
Sensitive to certain fabrics and doesn’t do well in busy places
Difficulty focusing and following directions
Trouble making friends and participating in group activities
Clumsy and has frequent accidents
Routine tasks, like getting dressed, turn into daily battles
Struggles with handwriting and avoids writing tasks

If you’ve observed any of these signs or have concerns about your child’s development, we encourage you to contact our team!

For more information about our Occupational Therapy services or to schedule an appointment, please contact our office at 858-692-4187 or